Grethel Gonzalez has lived in the province of Chiriqui most of her life and has a Masters Degree in law from the University of Argentina.
Grethel worked as an attorney for the Panamanian government for many years prior to opening her own law firm four years ago. Grethel has all the right connections in Panama to satisfy your legals needs quickly and accurately.
Jeff Carew is Canadian and Grethel’s life and business partner who has spent the last 20+ years building businesses in Canada, Australia, Panama City and David Panama.
We specialize in ex pats who require a bilingual team that delivers a North American level of service.
We work with an extensive network of lawyers, real estate agents and relocation experts throughout Panama.
We specialize in Immigration, corporations, foundations real estate transactions and wills.
We can provide references of many satisfied clients, most of whom have become our friends.